Concrete Dreams of Sound - Open Lab

22 April - 5 May 2024

As part of our Design Week at daadgalerie in Berlin, focused on the theme of sonic materialities, we hosted an Open Lab featuring the work of artists associated with the Concrete Dreams of Sound programme. The Open Lab was conceived not as an exhibition in the classical sense, but rather as a testing-grounds and investigative site activated through performances, workshops, and dialogue; and a space that evolved over the course of the two-week programme.

With: Andrius ArutiuanianAlchemyverse (Bicheng Liang + Yixuan Shao), Merche BlascoGerard GormleyKatarzyna KrakowiakSigne LidénNicole L’HuillierYara MekaweiBrett MommersteegMendi + Keith ObadikeSamuel Perea-DíazMarina PetersonCharles RichardsJonathan TyrrellJan St. WernerJona Wolf

Co-curated by Dahlia Borsche and Gascia Ouzounian

Production management by Sebastian Dürer

Photography by Eunice Maurice

Columna(s) (2024) by Nicole L’Huillier and Samuel Perea-Díaz

Transitory Sonic Bodies (front), by Samuel Perea-Díaz and Jona Wolf

Earth drill geophone by Signe Líden

Lead Lag Time Spool (2023) by Jan St. Werner

Messa in Luce (2022-23) by Alchemyverse

Video documentation of Anyanwu (2019) by Mendi + Keith Obadike

Concrete Dreams of Sound LP (2024) by Gerard Gormley and Manifesto for Materials’ Acoustics (2024) by Yara Mekawei

Geological turntable (2018) by Charles Richards

Selected works by Jonathan Tyrrell, as part of Architecture’s Acoustic Shadow

Day 1

Day 2: Signe Lidén, ‘Material Listening’ and Yara Mekawei, ‘Manifesto for Materials’ Acoustics’

Day 3: Alchemyverse, ‘WEND’ and Andrius Arutiunian


Concrete Dreams Of Sound: Reader


Counterlistening (article)