SUNNYSIDE (2020-ongoing)
Matilde Meireles


Sunnyside was initially released as a digital album by the experimental music label Crónica Electrónica in June 2020. The project is being further developed through a series of site-oriented performances as part of the SONCITIES project. You can also read about the project here.

In a time where human contact is restricted for safety reasons, contact in this work takes place by listening closely to the sounds of objects which are very much part of Meireles’ domestic daily life. During April 2020, Matilde collected a series of sounds around her house on Sunnyside Street (Belfast, NI) including a wide variety of textures captured with different types of contact microphones, and multiple layers of electromagnetic interference caused by the growing use of electronic devices and the internet. These recordings form the basis of an exploration of the micro- and extra-human sounds produced by the physical and virtual objects such as the radiator, the kettle, the shower, or the internet. Sunnyside intertwines these elements to reinforce repetition, discovery, detail and loss of perception of time that characterises the experience of many during our current life in confinement. The project is an attempt to sense, analyse, and represent changes within the domestic space enforced by the pandemic, and examine what they meant. The discussion it initiates, draws on ideas of critical phonography, systems theory, situated knowledges, and interconnectivity to illustrate the project’s refusal of boundaries.


Crafting a Sonic Urbanism: listening to non-human life colloquium
Gaîté Lyrique, Paris, 18 March 2021

Video of the pre-recorded live performance ↓ Click here for more on the event.

Art of Noises Festival: Stereophonica
Modern Art Oxford, 25 November 2021

Click here for more on the event.


Scoring The City (workshop/exhibitions)


The Sonic Rewilding of Cities: Listening After Lockdown (paper)