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Acts of listening and Urban Geography

Organized by IMéRA in partnership with nadine (BE) – Wandering Arts Biennial.

A conference curated by Anna Raimondo, artist, IMéRA fellow 2020-2021 (IT/BE), with Griselda Flesler (ARG), AM Kanngieser (AU), Gascia Ouzounian (UK).

This conversation unfolds the premise that the production of knowledge, based on the gaze, implies a visual ideology, a normative way of seeing which is learnt and inherited.

In this regard, by echoing Judith Butler's reflections on the epistemological normative path which establishes «the bodies that matter» (Butler 2018), Paul Preciado refers especially to the «regime of the visible». With this formula, Preciado defines a form of a normative epistemology, based on the perspective, which acknowledges and makes legitimate reality according to previous binary normative schemes (such as: man/ woman; black/white; valid/invalid).

In light of these considerations, what is the epistemologic approach to territories and landscapes within a discipline like urban geography? How does the regime of the visible operate in this field? In a phenomenological and trans-disciplinary approach to the land, «the gaze of the field-worker is part of the problematic, not a tool of analysis» (Gillian Rose, p. 87).

These reflections lead to the main question of this conversation: how could the acts of listening, intended as both oral and sonic analysis and production of the heard, contribute to produce forms of alternative and more inclusive forms of knowledges in this discipline? What would be the epistemological implications of the shifting from perspective to the listening of a specific territory?

In this conversation, listening is intended as a potential that «augments, expands and critically evaluates how we see the world and how we arrange ourselves to live in it» (Salome Voegelin, 2014). The idea is to put in dialogue four different experiences of practice-based research in relation to urban geography, which propose forms of «sonic situated knowledges» (Annie Goh) dealing with plural and inclusive representations, narrations, processes of coalition building of and within specific territories.

Participer à la réunion Zoom
ID de réunion : 916 3637 9385
Code secret : 209145

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