Poster by Gaia Vignali
SONCITIES and MA Cities graduates share their work and thinking
When: Tuesday 11 June, 6:30-8:15 PM
Where: CSM Crossing, at the CSM Queer School tent
For: Anyone. You can also visit the rest of the CSM Show on the preview night after...
This series of talks will explore a range of city-making and city-shaping practices. Topics include research into urbicide, which will be discussed in the keynote talk at 6:30 from Gascia Ouzounian, Associate Professor of Music at the University of Oxford, alongside extracts and learnings from the research of ten MA Cities graduating students. Their work explores city-making practices as varies as swimming as an urban communing practice, the role of a creative 'class' in how Athens is changing, social infrastructures in Cairo, how myth in built into the city, and city-making curricula for children.
We will also share highlights from the SONCITIES Design Week (‘Quiet Urgency’), in which students from CSM's two Architecture courses, MA Industrial Design and MA Cities are involved.
Each talk will have time for reflection and audience response.
To attend: Please register on Eventbrite for the CSM Show preview on Tuesday 11 June.